Manayunk National Recovery Month Activation Registration

In an effort to bring awareness to National Recovery Month in Manayunk, MDC members are invited to activate this September.

These activities will celebrate the 60+ million Americans, and the 1.6 million Philadelphians, living in recovery from mental health and substance use disorders. In an effort to further establish Manayunk as a welcoming place of all backgrounds and lived experiences, the month of September will paint Main Street purple (the official recovery month color) and create opportunities for individuals in recovery to feel welcomed to visit and shop in our community.

Activations are intended to be low barrier and are free to all MDC members. You can choose from displaying a National Recovery Month flag at your business, a window decal at your business, holding an optional special event (e.g., a cycling class celebrating recovery), or holding an optional special sale (e.g., a retail sale, special lunch time menu prices).

Activating MDC members choosing to hold an event or sale also have the option of donating a self-identified percentage of proceeds to two local recovery-focused non-profits (Unity Recovery or Prevention Point Philadelphia).

Recovery Month Registration
Please select the activations you wish to participate in as a member:
If hosting a special event or sale, do you wish to donate a portion of the proceeds (at an amount you choose) to a local recovery-focused charity? *