Become a recovery friendly workplace today

We are thrilled that your organization is interested in becoming a Recovery Friendly Workplace in Pennsylvania! To start the process, please complete the initial interest application below. Once submitted, an RFW specialist will reach out to you to schedule an initial orientation call and describe our process in detail. Organizations can expect the process to take from 2-4 months to complete the initial certification process.
RFW Employer Request
Organization Type *
Organization Address *
Organization Address
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Zip Code
Do you currently employ individuals in recovery at your organization? *
Do you currently employ individuals with justice system involvement at your organization? *
Do you currently offer an employee assistance program that includes behavioral health benefits at your organization? *
Do you currently have organizational policies that provide workplace protections for employees in recovery? *
What are you most interested in from the RWF initiative (select all that apply):

Have more questions? Reach out to our specialists.

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